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Wat Phra Singh Temple @ChiangRai | Wat Phra Singh Muang Chiang Rai


Wat Phra Singh Temple @ChiangRai Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Rai
It is a third-class royal temple, common type, located on Tha Luang Road, Wiang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province.
Phra Singh Noi, Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Rai Province
Phra Phuttha Sihing or Phra Singh Noi is a Buddha statue in the Mara-Vijaya attitude, Lanna art style, 37 centimeters wide at the lap, 66 centimeters high with the base, bronze covered with gold. It is currently enshrined on a pavilion inside the glass chapel. This Phra Singh Noi was brought from Chiang Mai in 1843 by Khru Ba Panya to lead the procession of people who were recruited to restore Chiang Rai. The Chiang Rai Chronicles during the Chiang Rai restoration era say that
"This is a history that goes beyond the establishment of Chiang Rai, which Uncle Nan Khat has memorized from the elders in the past. The ruler of Chiang Mai arranged for the ruler to lead the people to establish Wat Phra Singh first."
This Phra Singh temple also has a replica of the Buddha's footprint on a stone slab, assumed to have been built during the reign of King Mangrai the Great. The door panels were designed by Ajarn Thawan Duchanee, a National Artist in Visual Arts (Painting), and are about earth, water, wind, and fire, and were carved by Sla Amnuay Buangam.
Interesting things in the temple include a replica of Phra Singh, a Buddha statue in the Mara-Vijaya attitude, Lanna art from the 21st Buddhist century, with a lap width of 37 centimeters and a height of 66 centimeters, cast in bronze and covered in gold. Chao Maha Phrom, ruler of Chiang Rai, who was the younger brother of Phraya Kue Na, ruler of Chiang Mai, invited the real Phra Buddha Sihing from Chiang Mai to use as a model for casting a replica and enshrining it in the Phra Singh Hall.
Open daily from 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.


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