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Wat Phanan Choeng in the Ayutthaya Historical Park


Wat Phanan Choeng in the Ayutthaya Historical Park

Wat Phanan Choeng is famous for its enormous seated Buddha image, considered to be one of the most beautiful in the country.
According to legend tears shed from the eyes of the image just before the destruction of Ayutthaya by the Burmese in 1767.
The temple is located on the banks of the Pa Sak river opposite the South East tip of the historical island. From a river boat you
will have great views of the monastery, that also has a boat landing.
19 Meter tall Buddha image
The temple's main attraction is its huge image of the Buddha. The brick and mortar image named Phra Chao Phanan Choeng is seated in the posture of subduing Mara, otherwise known as Calling the Earth to witness.
The richly gilded U Thong style image is also known as Luang Pho To. It is flanked by two disciples in adoration, Sariputta and Moggallana, who were the Buddha's closes disciples.
The image was built in 1324, several decades before Ayutthaya was founded. After its completion the image stood outside, as the viharn had not been built yet.
Today the Phra Chao Phanan Choeng is enshrined in a large assembly hall, the Viharn Phra Phanan Choeng. Its walls are lined with hundreds of niches containing small images of the Buddha.
The story of Princess Soi Dok Mak
According to legend Phra Chao Sai Nam Phung, a King who ruled before the founding of Ayutthaya, wanted to marry the daughter of a Chinese emperor.

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