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Wat Saphan Hin Temple in the Sukhothai period and is over 700 years old |Sukhothai


Wat Saphan Hin Temple
Beautiful temples in Sukhothai, Saphan Hin Temple, and an important historical site that we would like you to visit is Saphan Hin Temple.
Which is located in Sukhothai Historical Park. The highlight of Saphan Hin Temple is the standing Buddha statue in the attitude of granting forgiveness, which is over 12.50 meters high. It is called Phra Attharot, which is a standing Buddha statue that was popularly built in the Sukhothai period and is over 700 years old.
In addition, this standing Buddha statue is mentioned in Stone Inscription No. 1.
Address: Sukhothai Historical Park, Muang Kao Subdistrict, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai Province.
Open for visits: 06.30-18.00 hrs.
Tel: 0-5569-7310

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