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Doi Mae Salong @ChiangRai | Chiang Rai


Doi Mae Salong | Chiang Rai
Located in Mae Salong Nok Subdistrict, Mae Fah Luang District, Chiang Rai Province, is the location of Santikiri Village, with Provincial Highway No. 1130 running through the village. The villagers' houses are built in rows on the ridges on both sides of the road. When viewed from above, it looks like an elevated road.
In 1961, there were 2 battalions of immigrants from the 93rd Division from Burma entering Thailand. The 3rd Battalion was in Fang District, Chiang Mai Province, and the 5th Battalion was in Ban Mae Salong Nok, or the current Santikiri Village. In the past, the area on Doi Mae Salong had problems with ethnic minorities, including drug problems, opium trafficking, and armed forces. It had to be closed as a dangerous area for more than 10 years. Until in 1972, the Cabinet resolved to officially accept the Chinese Nationalist Army (Kuomintang) to reside in Thailand, which eliminated all problems. The villagers began to turn to agriculture, starting a tea planting project and planting three-leaf pine trees, and changing the name to Santikiri Village. The national identity card was issued in 1978.


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