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Take a tour of Wat Huay Pla Kang Temple @ ChiangRai | Chiang Rai


Wat Huay Pla Kang (Wat Huay Pla Kang), Chiang Rai
is located in Rim Kok Subdistrict. It was originally a monastery built in 2001 by the Wat Huay Pla Kang faithful. Later, the National Office of Buddhism announced the appointment of it as a temple, named “Wat Huay Pla Kang” on July 24, 2009, with Phra Athikan Phopchok Tissawangso as the first abbot.
Another famous temple located in Chiang Rai city, which is beautiful, we would like to invite friends to visit and pray for good fortune.
Located in Rim Kok Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province, open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. It is easy to drive there.


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